Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Mister Has Returned...

Well my husband is finally back home, and I have a little bit more time to blog again. This last week has been pretty crazy without his help around here. Now life can resume as normal, and I can finally relax a LITTLE!

I did the kettlebell thing on Monday again...I had to do 100 Kettlebell Snatch's per arm with a 20lb weight...I did them in 14:50, so that's a time to beat for the next time I get put through that tortue! If you want to find out what the Kettlebell Snatch looks like, just check it out on www.youtube.com

I am trying to take little steps to being more active as well in my everyday life, like today I was at the library, and instead of taking the elevator, which I normally do, I took the stairs, and I felt good about that!! Baby steps...lol.

Anyhoo...today's menu...

Toast w. Margarine..........................150 Cal
Pickled egg..................................70 Cal


1 Bowl Cream of Potato Soup w. Crackers.....350 Cal

Crackers....................................100 Cal
Cheese......................................180 Cal
Iced Tea....................................100 Cal

Taco Salad w. Soy Meat......................550 Cal

Pickled Egg..................................70 Cal

Tortilla Chips..............................230 Cal
Salsa........................................20 Cal

Total Calories.............................1820 Cal
