Friday, February 5, 2010

The Beginning...

So recently I have decided that IT IS TIME, to get my butt in gear to take my extra pounds off, and I sure have alot of them. I wanted a way that would help me be accountable for what I eat and how much I exercise, so I figured I would blog about it. I am so excited to start this journey. I will update daily (or TRY at least),

I plan to post what I eat, what exercises I complete daily, and how I feel. I will also weigh myself weekly, and yes I will post it, it will be my brutal truth of what weight I am at now, and will no longer be at in the future.

Currently I am training with Jeff Markusson, an amazing person and personal trainer and lately we have been working out at Snap Fitness; he guides me down the exercise path (if YOU would like more information on training with Jeff, just let me know).

In the past couple of months I have also trained with Stephanie Fraser (Temple Fitness), and Melissa Schafer (MommyFit @ Temple Fitness), all of these trainers and programs I would highly recommend.

Although I have already started my weight loss journey and I will officially start posting about it tomorrow! So stay tuned, and help me dump the plump.


1 comment:

  1. Good for you Stephanie, I will be rooting for you and know you will do great!

